Mar 06, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Sony To Launch Gold Variant Of PlayStation 4 Slim With 1 TB Hard Drive?

Jun 02, 2017 11:44 AM EDT

A Redditor named Sliye claims that Sony will launch a gold variant of the PlayStation 4 Slim. He shared a photo of the packaging for the console which he says will launch on June 9. Sliye says he works for Target, a major retailer, where the gold variant shows up in the internal systems of the store.

Based on the packaging of the PlayStation 4 Slim, the gold variant will have a 1 TB hard drive, GameSpot reported. The standard black PS4 has 500 GB and 1 TB variants. Sony has not confirmed the availability of a gold variant since the PS4 Slim is currently available only in matte black and glacier white. However, the glacier white is carried only by Walmart as part of the retailer’s exclusive bundle for “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.”

There is a possibility a gold variant of PlayStation 4 Slim will be available but only in selected markets. In the past, Sony had a gold original PS4 in the U.S. sold on a limited run. However, it was an exclusive offer through a competition with Taco Bell, a fast-food chain specializing in Mexican food.

According to a Walmart shopper, Christoper Maxim, who is a Redditor, a PlayStation 4 Slim gold variant with 1 TB was spotted in the retail giant, Polygon reported. However, when he attempted to buy it, the store staff removed the console from the shelf, however, he was able to take a photo before the console was taken awat. But Sliye says their computer system in Target has a listing of the model. It appears the gold variant was revealed ahead of time, although, with the scheduled E3 press conference on June 12, Sony is expected to make several announcements which could lead to speculations of the gold variant being included.

The price of the PlayStation 4 Slim gold variant is $249. Compared to prices of other 1 TB systems, it is cheaper by $50.

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