Feb 22, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Xbox One/360- June 2017 Free Games With Gold (And A Bonus) Officially Revealed

May 24, 2017 06:46 AM EDT

It's the end of the month, which means that games will be free next month on Xbox One and Xbox 360 for Gold subscribers. June 2017 is looking to be a great month, since the latest games that are headlined by "Watch Dogs," "Assassin's Creed" and "Dragon Age Origins."

On top of the game releases, Xbox Gold subscribers can expect a little extra something in June. Prior this month, Microsoft has released Phantom Dust HD for free on the Xbox One and Gold subscribers that can expect free multiplayer DLC pack.

Xbox One owners with a Gold subscription for the month of June 2017 will be getting "Speedrunners," which is a racing game that makes its debut on June 1 as a freebie, as well as Ubisoft's open-world action game "Watch Dogs." The free titles on Xbox 360 Gold Subscribers for June, which also play on Xbox One through backward compatibility, including "Assassin's Creed III and Dragon Age: Origins."

According to Game Spot, a bonus offer is available in June 2017 on Xbox One for Gold subscribers in the form of multiplayer DLC for the recently released "Phantom Dust" re-release. The latest video shows that this DLC is normally priced at $15, though its Xbox Store page lists as being free.

Another notable thing is that one of May 2017's free Games with Gold titles, "Lara Croft" and the "Temple of Osiris," will continue to be free on Xbox One until June 15. While gamer wait for June's Games with Gold titles to arrive, be sure to collect the remaining freebies from May before they return to their normal prices. In the other Xbox Live news, this week's lineup of Xbox One and Xbox 360 weekly deals has been announced--and there are some good offers available.

June 2017 Games with Gold for Xbox One Lineup, as noted by IGN, includes, "Speedrunners" (June 1-30), "Watch Dogs" (June 16-July 15) and "Phantom Dust multiplayer DLC" (June 1-30). For Xbox 360 includes, "Assassin's Creed III" (June 1-15), "Dragon Age: Origins" (June 16-30).

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