Mar 06, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Makoto Tops Game Website's List Of ‘Persona 5’ Choice Of Confidants

May 17, 2017 02:49 PM EDT

Among the 16 characters in “Persona 5,” a game website named Makoto as the one who is the best choice to be a confidant. The website made the ranking because the game provides a one-year limit of stay in the school and little time to spend with fellow students. The confidant is the one to become close to, help directly or indirectly in battles, and spend time with.

In picking Makoto, Kotaku says it would give its life for Makoto and her supernatural motorcycle. After Makoto comes Takemi, followed by Yusuke who, besides having the kindest and most understanding heart, could guide the player through Tokyo. Next, comes Hifui, the Shogi goddess who is better dressed than Makoto but with a leaning toward military strategy over fists and leaders. Finally, making up the top 5 of “Persona 5” Confidants’ list is Futaba who used to be a recluse but has become an important member of the Phantom Thieves.

In the next 10 are Kawakami, Sojiro, Iwai, Ann, and Shinya. The bottom 6 of the “Persona 5” list of Confidants are Haru, Chihaya, Yoshida, Mishima, Ohya, and Ryuji. Mishima is a dork, Ohya is a worse journalist and bad person, and everything that Ryuji touches becomes ash.

Meanwhile, Eurogamer reports that it is not only some of the characters in “Persona 5” who are bad. Even the game’s Japanese-to-English translation is bad. But the game website observes that because some players love the JRPG game so much, they do not notice its often warped, stiff, and sometimes inaccurate translations.

Polygon reminds fans of “Persona 5” that the end of the game is fast approaching. Based on the game’s timetable, there would be 23 days of free time from Nov. 25 through Dec. 17. Then, on Dec. 20-22, it would be time for exams. There are schedules for The Prison of Regression, Ascending the Temple, and the Yaldabaoth Boss Fight. The time to leave Tokyo and go home is on March 20.

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