Mar 06, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ Revealed: Will Be Titled ‘Live Die Repeat and Repeat’

May 10, 2017 02:42 AM EDT

The 2014 sci-fi film "Edge of Tomorrow" was not a US box office success and subsequently, the director Doug Liman has been approached by the franchise to do the sequel. Confirming the news to do the sequel on the title Doug informed the next title will be "Live Die Repeat and Repeat".

According to Gadgets, the title of the sequel has been influenced by the tagline of the original title. It is easy to understand the title of the second part, "Live Die Repeat and Repeat" is a continuation of what was shown in Edge of Tomorrow with the tagline of "Live. Die. Repeat."

Warner Bros wants to recover the damages from the original title "Edge of Tomorrow" and has put more emphasis on its tagline. Edge of Tomorrow could only collect 27 percent of its worldwide collection of $370M, from the United States.

According to Independent, talking about the sequel of "Edge of Tomorrow", director Doug Liman said, "We have an amazing story! It's incredible! Way better than the first film, and I obviously loved the first film." Talking about the title he said, "It will be called Live Die Repeat and Repeat." "Tom [Cruise] is excited about it, and Emily Blunt is excited about it", he said when asked about the cast. Though there is still no confirmation about the official date or timing of the title to be released as in his own words Doug accepted "The big question is just when we'll do it. But it's not an if, it's a when."

The storyline is supposed to be a sequel but according to Doug, it is something of a sequel and a prequel at the same time. He was very excited when was asked about the concept of the sequel of Edge of Tomorrow, as he said, "I've had some radical ideas about how to make a sequel that would interest me, in the same way, that I had ideas of how you make an independent film and then Swingers came along and it was like 'Aha, that's the perfect movie for me to test these ideas out on.'"

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