Mar 31, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Windows 10 ‘Redstone 3’ Update: ‘My People’ Feature Resurrected On Latest Microsoft Build

May 02, 2017 02:57 PM EDT

A feature that was left out in the Windows 10 Creators update may be returning soon. This is with reference to the “My People” feature, something that makes it easier for Windows 10 OS users to communicate with selected contacts pinned to their taskbar. 

The “My People” feature was spotted on the Windows 10 Build 16184 for PCs though it was not yet ready for testing according to Microsoft. The build was released last April 28 and also offers end-users the ability to view multiple communication apps and select the program they would prefer for chatting, ZDNet reported.

As mentioned above, testing the returning “My People” feature on the Windows 10 Redstone 3 may need more time. To make it work, users would need to make sure that they have the latest Windows Store version of Skype, Mail and People on their device.

The Windows 10 Build 16184 is not the only one that came out recently. Windows 10 Mobile build 15208 also came out, something meant for active Windows phone devices still getting support and can run the Creators Update and beyond. Both builds do include changes and fixes though issues still remain. Hence, folks who want to test out the builds may want to go over the known issues here first via the Windows Blog.

The Windows 10 Redstone 3 is due to roll out this September while there is no official word yet on when the Windows 10 mobile build will come. The latter has yet to get an official moniker as Microsoft may still be busy working on the patch. With plenty of issues still in the air, it may be best to wait if all problems have finally been addressed.

The Windows 10 Creators update has been rolled out though limited to folks with the latest devices in the market. The Redmond company has discouraged most from applying the update (for now) as they try to figure out the compatibility issues with the Windows 10 Creators update. Hopefully, the same does not happen to the two builds once they are ready for release.

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