Feb 22, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

'Behind The Lyric' Feature Is Now Available On Spotify For Android

Apr 26, 2017 07:26 PM EDT

Music and podcast streaming Spotify last year sealed the deal with music annotation startup Genius to provide background story of the song that is currently playing on Spotify app. Named "Behind the Lyrics", the feature enables commentary to pops out as users listening to track, giving them some insights to the fun fact and stories from the artists themselves.  

According to the company, Android users worldwide will be getting the feature in the nearest time, as previously the service is only available on the iPhones. Spotify Ltd noted that the feature will initially be available over a small handful of playlists before moving on to the large scale.  

The commentary feature Behind the Lyrics will be available on Spotify's own curated playlist - Hip Hop and Today's Top Hits. The annotations will play automatically, aiming to provide the experience of listening to music more engaging. Behind The Lyric can be described as the modern-day take on reading the liner notes - but without flipping through pages and printed photos. Such feature, according to Spotify, will give the advantage of keeping users in its app instead of just left playing music in the background while they do other things.

By doing so, the company has a better shot at introducing its various contents to the active listeners - including podcast, clips, videos, as well as handing out the info about the nearby concerts or promote the artists merchandise. The feature is also added so that the artists could connect with their fans through Spotify. Apple's iTunes previously failed to do so through its attempt at social networking site Connect.

According to Tech Crunch, since early April this year, Spotify has launched its artist's dashboard to help artists to configure their profiles, on top of tracking their streaming numbers. The dashboard function also helps them to choose their own photo to be displayed, as well as selecting their own favorite tracks. According to Spotify, Behind The Lyrics feature is seen by millions of iPhone users daily and with the expansion to Android, the company hopes those number will grow bigger in the future. 


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