Feb 23, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

All Normal-Type Pokemon You Can Find in ‘Pokemon GO’

Apr 06, 2017 02:59 PM EDT

If you're playing "Pokémon Go", you must have noticed every Pokemon is classified with one or two elemental types. There are eighteen total across the game, and the normal type is one of them. Normal-type Pokémon is the most common in "Pokémon Go."

The Normal type has been specifically engineered to lack any offensive or defensive advantage: offensively it hits no types super-effectively but two types resist it and one is immune to it, while defensively it resists no types (but is immune to one), while one type hits it super-effectively. Defensive Normal types would typically have high defensive stats while offensive Normal-types would typically learn a large variety of moves.

Among species, Normal-type Pokémon tends to be based on a variety of different real-world animals. Normal typically did not pair with other types except Flying, in order to portray standard species of birds. As the generations progressed, more Normal types were introduced that represented other types as well. Here are the normal type Pokémon that are currently available in "Pokémon Go".

Pidgey (Pidgeotto, Pidgeot)

The small bird which literally can be found anywhere in the game. Most players use the candy that this Pokémon carries together to gain experience points (when activating the lucky eggs). Pidgey and its evolution (Pidgeotto and Pidgeot) is not a strong Pokémon, but this Pokémon can surely help you to progress further in the game.

Far'fetched, Spearow (Fearow), Doduo (Dotrio), HootHoot (Noctowl)

These Pokémon monsters are a tad stronger than Pidgey in general. On the other hand, Far'fetched can only be found in Asia (Japan/Korea), and do not have further evolution compare to the rest of the birds.  

Rattata (Raticate)

Another common Pokémon in "Pokemon GO". Similar to its design as a rodent, Rattata, and its evolution Raticate can be found almost everywhere in the city and residential area.

Igglybuff (Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff), Chansey (Blissey)

Igglybuff is part of the first Generation 2 Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Go through eggs. It evolves into Jigglypuff which then evolves to Wigglytuff. Chansey, on the other hand, is a rare Pokémon. It's rare, since it is one of the powerful Pokémon in the game, especially if it evolves into Chansey, which is a pain to beat at the gyms.  

Meowth (Persian), Teddiursa (Ursaring), Porygon (Porygon2), Sentret (Furret)

If you like cute and strong Normal type Pokémon, these are the popular ones you can get (similar to your pet) in "Pokémon GO". Porygon requires special items to evolve after the major game update, and it depends on your luck to find that "Dubious disc" in PokeStop.


While Eevee is somewhat common and didn't really stand a chance to fight those big, bulky, assigned Pokémon at the Gyms, it is the most unique above all Normal-type Pokemon. Eevee has a total of 5 evolutions, in 5 elemental types. Eevee can evolve into Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon during the first phase of "Pokémon GO". The latest update saw Eevee having additional two - Espeon and Umbreon. All five of its evolution are powerful. In the future, another few evolutions of Eevee will be added to the game, but for now let's stick to these 5, at least for "Pokemon Go".

Snorlax, Lickitung, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Smeargle, Miltank, Aipom, Girafarig, Dunsparce, Stantler

All of these normal type Pokemon do not have their next evolution. Snorlax does have its pre-evolution but currently, it is not yet introduced to "Pokemon GO". To catch Ditto, you have to be lucky as Ditto will appear as another Pokemon due to its ability "transform". You might be dealing with Pidgey first before you realize that you just caught a Ditto.


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