Mar 31, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Retailers And Gamers Still Face With Nintendo NES Classic Edition Shortages Despite Reassurance From Developer

Mar 28, 2017 03:08 PM EDT

New updates have revealed that the Nintendo NES Classic Mini is currently out of stock. This has once again occurred despite the previous assurance given by Nintendo. The latest update reveals that the product has once again run out of stocks, thereby leaving potential buyers with over-priced units of the Nintendo NES Classic Mini from various online resellers.

Nintendo's Tatsumi Kimishima has previously assured gamers that they will not face similar scarcity that was faced in the past with the Nintendo NES classic Edition. He noted that there is absolutely nothing for fans to worry about as the developer is doing its best to solve supply issues associated with the NES.

Currently, Nintendo's UK website has listed that the console is out of stock, while other US retailers have also noted that the Nintendo NES Classic Mini is having a supply shortage. It is been reported that gamers who are interested in purchasing the Nintendo NES Classic Mini have only one option open to them, which is buying the units at a cost that is more than the usual retail price.

This has left lots of interested gamers with no other choice, but to purchase at the available price or live without the console. Meanwhile, it has been noted that the current situation puts the developer on an impending production crisis, as it is already been rumored that Nintendo might have no way out or answer to the current increasing demand for the Nintendo NES Classic Mini.

Other rumors that have been circulating online lately suggest that the technology company has suspended the production of the Nintendo NES Classic Mini. However, Nintendo did not waste any time in debunking the rumor with the claim that the developer is doing its best to bring the current shortage to an end and also prevent future reoccurrence, according to Enstarz.

According to, Nintendo has also stated that it is always wary of bridging the gap between the high demand and the uneven supply. But it is clear that the only problem fans have encountered so far is the huge demand for the NES Classic Mini Edition.

The developer is reported to have noted that every time Nintendo restock the Nintendo NES Classic Mini, it gets sold out in a few days later. It is believed that the restocked units are either purchased by game aficionados or online re-sellers who end up selling the Nintendo NES Classic Mini at exorbitant prices, according to Express. It is also stated that many online resellers have taken advantage of the supply shortage situation by overpricing the console.

Although a unit of the Nintendo NES Classic Mini costs only $59.99 dollars with select United States retailers, and just £49.99 in the U.K. market, it is reported that Amazon sells the console for $169, while other online retailers offer it for as much as $250. Gamers are hoping that the technology company will do something really fast about the shortages and that the Nintendo NES Classic Mini will be back in stock soon.

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