Mar 06, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Apple Special Red iPhone 7, 7Plus Tips: Turning Its White Glass Face Into Black

Mar 28, 2017 04:09 PM EDT

Apple special RED edition of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus was officially available and on sale last March 24, Friday. The limited edition has been one of the most awaited devices on the market and there's no reason for consumers not to have one.

According to the report given, Apple has successfully raised over $130 million in just five days wherein the said total of the sale will go to funding and supporting HIV/AIDS programs. However, upon buying a special RED edition of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus there have been some buyers who thought that the matte red metal shell is not a good compliment with a white glass face of the device.

Hence, other buyers just accepted the fact that this is what Apple special RED edition of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus looks like. However, not for everyone; like the old saying goes, "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse," so there's a solution to that problem and the good news is that you can do it alone.

The first trick would be the easiest and cheapest way that can change the exterior design of Apple special RED edition of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus. This one involves applying a black screen protector that would just cost $8, however, the downside is, if this will be the procedure that you would do, applying a black screen protector won't change the color of the home button.

But if you really aiming for a complete black glass face, owning an old iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus is needed. This method is quite risky and expensive. The procure goes like this, you remove the whole front side of the black phone and places it to Apple special RED edition of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus.

This method may give the Apple special RED edition of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus with a complete black glass face, however, the cons of doing it are: Your Apple warranty won't be effective anymore and your Touch ID will be disabled due to an unauthorized screen replacement.

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