Mar 29, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

‘Dragon Ball Super’ Spoilers: The Real Villain Could Be The Evil Omni King, Not Goku

Mar 16, 2017 04:50 AM EDT

A big reveal would happen in “Dragon Ball Super” as part of the anime’s Universal Survival Arc when the real villain is identified. Many viewers initially thought the antagonist in the series is Goku, but spoilers indicate the real villain could be the Omni King who is really the Grand Priest. The belief stems from a discovery by fans that in the Universe Survival Arc, the Grand Priest has no mirror-earth double.

Confusing Arc

But the arc would even become more confusing because there are now two Zen-Ohs who was introduced in “Dragon Ball Super” as the Omni King. He is the present-day Zen-Oh and the future one, Blasting News explains. With two of them in the series, fans speculate one of them is the real villain.

A fan supports that belief, pointing out that in “Dragon Ball Super” Episode 77, he saw two Zen-Ohs and four bodyguards. It boils down to two bodyguards for each Zen-Oh. But the fan adds that he does not see a duplicate for the Grand Priest, GameSpot reports.

2 Omni Kings

To support the fan theory, in the new opening title sequence for “Dragon Ball Super,” the two Omni Kings are shown. One of them who is blue colored is seen looking happy and jolly and smiling. The other one is colored red and seen with a frown and grumpy.

The next thing to expect in “Dragon Ball Super” is a fight between the two Zen-Ohs. Only Goku, who has powers like a god, would have the power to stop their fight. He could even help beat the evil Omni King by acquiring a power equal or beyond the power of the Omni King. For pushing through with the tournament to show how powerful he is, Goku was considered the villain by some fans, 247Techy reports.

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