Feb 23, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News & Updates: Essence Of Niantic Events Lost With Spawn Rate Increase, Game Modifications

Mar 02, 2017 08:56 AM EST

Niantic has applied various tactics to keep “Pokemon GO” afloat. That includes increasing spawn rates during special events and offering special critters on occasion. While all that has succeeded so far, it may come to a point where “Pokemon GO” events will no longer be feasible. For one, it takes out the initiative in a player who is supposed to be on the move searching for elusive critters.

Depending on where a person is located, the “Pokemon GO” spawn rates vary. Some would benefit from seeing lots of pocket monsters nearby and this is regardless of the changes that Niantic does periodically. The frequency of Pokemon appearances depends on how the game developers have called for it, essentially rendering some form of imbalance, Attack of the Fan Boy reported.

Right now, “Pokemon GO” players are occupied trying to nab the new pocket monsters from the Johto region. With over 80 of them to catch, the spike in active users for the game is only to be expected. Aside from that, Niantic is celebrating Pokemon Day as well. Up for grabs is the party hat Pikachu which is similar to the Santa hat Pikachu rare offered last Christmas, BGR.com reported.

“Pokemon GO” players are reminded that despite the rarity of the party hat Pikachu, it is not something out of the ordinary. All one gets is a pocket monster with a different hat, making it nothing more than a collectible. Looking ahead, the next big “Pokemon GO” event will likely be Easter. Back in January, there were suggestions that specially designed eggs could be up for grabs, Slash Gear reported. But more important is what the eggs have inside.

Niantic continues to balance things ranging from spawns up to enticing “Pokemon GO” players to get a move on. That latter suggestion has so far been questioned with the strategic approach of Niantic seemingly keeping players content in one region. Will all that change soon?

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