Feb 23, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News & Update: How To Temporarily Handle The Game Freezes In Gen 2

Feb 28, 2017 03:24 AM EST

“Pokemon GO” Gen 2 may have brought in new things to do as well as pocket monsters but problems too. For those who have been playing the hit augmented reality game, many may have come across game crashes or game freezes. By now, most are aware that Niantic has been having trouble on their end with game servers since the new version came out.

“Pokemon GO” game servers have been experiencing problems since the massive Gen 2 update, Forbes reported. Part of that is the large influx of trainers logging in though this was to be expected. With “Pokemon GO” Gen 2 one of the highly awaited updates, the spike in logging gamers is a given. So assuming Niantic is aware of that, there could be more problems over the horizon such as perhaps scripts.

As mentioned in a previous post here on Droid Report, the codes have been cleaned up. That included doing away with idle scripts – including the “Pokemon GO” trading which doesn’t mean that the yet-to-be-seen future will no longer be coming. Rather, the cleanup is seen as a recourse to help clean out scripts and hopefully aid in improving game performance on Gen 2. The script changes were discovered by AeonLucid’s POGOProtos.

While some may feel helpless, there is a way to deal with the game freezes on “Pokemon GO” according to BGR. For the ones who experience game freezes on Apple, simply wait for the loading bar to be completely full (normally the part where baby Pokemon are seen celebrating New Year’s Eve) and double tap the home button. Look for the “Pokemon Go” app and tap on it.

The suggested fix is only a temporary recourse with most “Pokemon GO” players preferring to play the game as smoothly as possible. Niantic has yet to stabilize things as the team works on improving the augmented reality game even more.

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