Mar 06, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

‘Pokémon Go’ Cheats, Tips & Tricks: Where and How to Find New Region Exclusive Johto Pokémon Corsola?

Feb 24, 2017 07:15 AM EST

"Pokemon Go" has recently revealed 80 new Pokemon in their latest update Gen 2 including Corsola. But the question is where can we find Corsola? Well, that elusive question can be answered right now.

Plenty of playing began to hunt for Corsola, but most of them have failed to find it. Corsola is one of the new Pokemon that are exclusive into a certain region in "Pokemon Go." As for the Gen 2, there is almost 151 set of Pokemon within the game that are exclusive to selected regions and it seems that the coral-like Pokemon Corsola can only be obtained in certain locations and region around the world.

According to Reddit, in "Pokemon Go" Corsola can be found anywhere on the globe between the coordinates of 31 degrees North and 26 degrees South which includes Florida and Texas, and also Australia. Niantic players also associated that Corsola can be found in Mexico, Africa, India, South America, and South East Asia.

But there actually some misunderstanding in "Pokémon Go" about whether Corsola is a regional Pokémon which led to a theory that this Pokémon might be seasonal. As trainers can see in their Pokedex that Corsola can be found in warm areas and does go south for winter, perhaps, for now, this Pokémon is not available in the northern areas because of its weather.

Current Regional Map - Please contribute further data so I can update as necessary from TheSilphRoad

As reports validated by Pokemon Go Informer, in the mobile game "Pokemon Go" 98.2 percent of the Poke trainers from the south of 28 degrees clearly stated that the presence of Corsola was absent in their area and 99.6 percent above 31 degrees north noted that there are no Corsola in their area too. That concludes Corsola can be found in areas between 31 degrees North and 26 degrees South. "Pokemon Go" features Corsola as a regional exclusive Pokemon specifically in tropical areas which means that it can be found in areas such as the Canary Islands, Tenerife, and the Philippines along with some locations in Texas and Florida.

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