Mar 26, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Google Beefs Up Security On Mobile With Safe Browsing For Google Chrome

Dec 09, 2015 07:47 AM EST

Google Chrome’s team is definitely on a roll. Close on the heels of two major updates both for Mobile and Desktop, Google Chrome integrated a much-needed feature on Chrome for Android: The Safe Browsing feature previously available only on Android.

According to a report by TechCrunch, it took Google a while to get this feature on the mobile version of Chrome because it was “Harder to keep a long list of potentially harmful sites on a mobile device than on the desktop.” But the great news is that the Chrome team finally managed to pull off the task, and so, Safe Browsing for mobile platform is now available on Chrome.

With this new feature, mobile users now have an extra layer of protection from phishing, malware, and other similar security breaches and vulnerabilities. No thanks to the increase in cyber and software attacks, this is a must-have for all gadget users, be it a desktop or a mobile environment. Google certainly deserves a pat on the back for integrating safety for their mobile user base.

In order to get the update for Chrome on your mobile device, simply update your Google Play Services app as well as your Google Chrome app, since the service is available on the most recent Google Play Services update. Then, if you want to test whether Safe Browsing is already enabled on your device, just head on over to the Safe Browsing test site.

Safe Browsing Test Site:

It is in Google’s best interests to keep its ecosystem malware-free, and their users safe from security breaches. This ensures that avid Android fans stay on the platform, and that Google can push their oft-decried mobile ads, which keeps the money rolling in for the tech giant. With most of their services available for free, and with constant maintenance, development, and upgrades, ads are a tiny tradeoff for free and excellent apps, including Google Chrome for Android, now with Safe Browsing.


The official Google announcement for the Safe Browsing enhancement:

With notes from TechCrunch:

The previously rolled out major updates for Google Chrome:

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