Feb 21, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Cleeng Monetization for Android

May 14, 2014 11:30 AM EDT

Cleeng is the leading content monetization platform, that already powers all the premium video sales for Dailymotion, Canal+ Canada, the Conde Nast/Epicurious and a few more. Cleeng’s CEO, Gilles Domartini, formerly at Apple, set a new goal for the 3 year old startup, acquiring a deep expertise managing live events for big brands like Cirque du Soleil, TEDMED, the British Basket Ball League, the Swedish Ice Hockey League or WBA boxing.

Cleeng Monetization is available for Android and all platforms. Cleeng now spans the entire monetization spectrum from advertising, pay per click, and subscriptions. Cleeng provides content creators with the most advanced and innovative monetization solution on the market to increase conversion rates and foster privileged, ongoing relationships with readers.

The subscription module offers several, easy to implement, options ranging from a daily pass to a weekly, monthly, or annual subscription plan. Publishers can easily set up prices and decide which option or message will be displayed on the Cleeng layer, which is used to protect the content. Cleeng is proud to have reached the 4,000 WordPress plug-in downloads milestone this month. Cleeng's monetization solution is preferred by many content providers such as individual bloggers and the websites of large publisher.

Subscriptions come on top of the proven Cleeng monetization features:

· In-page monetization: to maintain traffic and ad revenue

· Protection of all content types on all platforms: image, text, video all behind a secure layer delivered on any platform

· Dynamic capabilities: Cleeng permits up to 57 multiple payment methods, in 35 countries

· Unique Customer support and consolidated reporting tools

Cleeng provides a straightforward, complementary solution capable of protecting valuable content, maintaining advertising revenue through its content monetization system, and offering users a frictionless buying experience. Leveraging that unique experience, Cleeng is launching Cleeng Live, the Eventbrite of Live online events: easy-to-use (2 minute set up!), free and massively scalable. Prior to Cleeng Live, event organizers had to work with multiple agencies (one for the website design, one for payment processing, integrating the social logins, managing customer support…). Now it is all one place, easy-to-use, knocking down the wall of complexity.

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