Feb 22, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Google Glass vs. Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses

May 09, 2014 10:21 AM EDT

Is Epson’s new Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses big enough to compete with Google Glass? The new Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses by Epson creates an envisionment of the future with Moverio BT-100, Epson's newest venture in personal technology. Moverio is also capable of producing a perceived image equivalent to an 80-inch display viewed from 16.4 feet away. The smart glasses run on an Android Platform 2.2 and Flash 11 for $699.99 retail.

Null Mag / Google

Android users can access content from a variety of sources, including the built-in gallery and music apps. The system can be constantly updated with new apps, new content and new ideas, making its capabilities, well, endless. Imagine playing an online flight simulation game one minute and the next minute flying a drone plane while simultaneously viewing the live video feed from the drone's cameras projected in front of your eyes as an 80" perceived image2.

Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses features a high quality display, Wi-Fi® connectivity and smart navigation capabilities. There is also portable controller and headset which allows users to browse, shop and stay connected while still being part of their environment. Moverio’s glasses are large hi res display and quarter HD screen has an immersive effect, and lets users experience content in new ways. Users can flip the device easily from the interactive trackpad for games to text mode for communicating with friends.

Google Glass still continues to be on top despite its recent security flaw. “Wearable technologies present a very compelling opportunity for those organizations that want to push the boundaries of innovative design and technology applications,” said Andrew Vaz, chief innovation officer, Deloitte Consulting LLP. “It’s crucial for organizations to build a baseline understanding of how wearables will impact the strategic drivers of their market, and find ways to use wearables in their businesses to gain competitive advantage.”

Gartner predicts sales of Google Android devices will top 1.1 billion in 2014. This expectation would make Google’s Android the first time to reach one billion. Smartphone technologies are rapidly changing industries. Gartner also forecasts smartphones and media tablets will contribute 84% of semiconductor revenue growth in 2013 and are the segments to watch. The company has expectations that Android will remain the most popular OS. The success of low budget smartphones have boosted this insight. Shipments from Apple are also to increase.

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