Mar 04, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Twitter's Push In Mobile Ads

Apr 24, 2014 11:49 AM EDT

Twitter had reported strong Q4 growth in mobile users and advertising revenue. Mobile advertising revenues accounted for 75 per cent  which was equivalent to $220 million. Organizations can listen in on conversations and within a few hours retrieve almost any answers they need from the ecosystem for what their customers tweet. Waiting time for a response is a crucial driver in customer satisfaction.

According to WSJ, the company recently stated its run marketing campaigns on both Twitter and MoPub, the mobile ad exchange company it purchased last October in a deal that was estimated at around $350 million. “Now you’ve got an immense amount of reach both on Twitter and off Twitter and we’re really excited to bring them together,” said Kevin Weil, Twitter’s vice president of revenue products. MoPub handles more than 130 billion ad requests every month that can reach more than one billion unique devices, according to Twitter.


The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month that Twitter is working on this ad format and as many as 14 others. The hope is to attract advertising dollars from e-commerce companies and mobile-game developers. The ad format has been a huge driver of mobile revenue growth for Facebook, which launched a similar product in late 2012.

Twitter is an instant feedback ecosystem and if a brand has set up a channel to help customers then the customers will expect a very quick reply. Citi, on the other hand, are very quick in responding to messages and in April 2012, managed to reply to nearly 800 questions in less than 2 hours. An ability to quickly reply to nearly 800 customer service questions on Twitter in less than 2 hours. As more brands realize they need some form of customer support channel on one of the most popular social networks in the world, the amount of time customers have to wait for a response is going to become a crucial factor in customer satisfaction.

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