Mar 10, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Review Of Pioneer's Mixtrax App

Mar 28, 2014 09:59 AM EDT

Pioneer’s MIXTRAX App is now available for Android OS. The Android MIXTRAX App music player enables users nonstop music mix development from the user’s own music library stored in their Android devices. According to the company, the app analyzes the tempo and beat of tracks that are similar in style and identifies the best transition point for each track for seamless music playback.  

Link Gate offers features with a touch of the currently playing cover art. Link Gate is activated and displays five options (Artist, Genre, Tempo, Year, and All) to enable users to listen to more music at the same tempo. Mix Playlist gives users five recommended playlists such as Beat, Chill, Thump, Distortion and High to match their music listening preferences. In addition, users can also listen to their music sorted by Song, Album, Artist, Genre, Tempo and Year for their personalized playlist.

Sound CTRL / Google

The MIXTRAX App for Android is a music player app that develops mixes with a natural flow, automatically selecting songs from a smartphone, linking only the exciting parts of the music, similar to a real DJ performance. The app is supported in OS Android 4.0 or above. Playable files include MP3, AAC and WAV.

Pioneer’s latest version of the MIXTRAX App is accessible at or on Google Play.

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