Feb 22, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Surviving Dev Bootcamp

Feb 10, 2014 11:01 AM EST

Silicon Valley’s Dev Bootcamp offers accelerated developer courses to students. There is currently a demand for opportunities for developers causing more job openings for candidates. Dev Bootcamp offers nine-to12-week accelerated developer programs. Dev Bootcamp programs also offer courses and programs within the Hackbright Academy and Hack Reactor for engineers.

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Dev Bootcamp offers a 9-week computer programming program founded by Shereef Bishay, Jesse Farmer, and Dave Hoover. The company was founded in 2012 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, with an additional locations in Chicago and New York City. Tuition costs are $12,200 for the 9 week, 40 hour per week program.

Those who successfully graduate from the program are of 95% who find jobs with an average starting salary of $85,000. The class hours are weekdays 9am-6pm in San Francisco and 8am-5pm in Chicago. Dev Bootcamp also organizes hiring days for technology companies to interview students. The program accepts an average of 350 students per year.

The program is divided into three core phases, lasting three weeks. In the first phase, students learn some of the fundamentals of computer programming in Ruby, including algorithms and database querying. The next phase introduces front-end technologies and combines them with previously learned material. The final phase brings everything full-circle with the Ruby on Rails framework. In this phase, students build a web application from scratch.  Students are also required to remotely complete 12 weeks of preparation material before the on-location courses begin. Boots may also opt-in to an additional phase 4. via Wikipedia.

Did you know Android developers get paid more than iOS developers? The job market is growing at a fast pace for Android developers thanks to the growth in today’s mobile sector. In the age of mobile, online has become even more crucial for Android developers to drive more productivity. The Internet is a catalyst for generating jobs.

The Android platform and mobile is constantly evolving. According to a survey from CyberCoders, an Android Developer earns an average salary of $107,185 annually. For a  Senior Android Developer, an average salary of $131,571 per year.  The company also predicts that a Senior Developers annual salary will increase to 200% by 2014.

Dev Bootcamp will be opening in New York City on March 31, 2014.  

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