Mar 31, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Android Growth In 2014

Jan 02, 2014 10:59 AM EST

Predictions for Android Growth and Technologies in 2014 marks a year where the rapid growth of mobile is maturing. Last year Android is said to have “come of age.” Expectations for this year’s growth is not for new mobile expectations, rather mobile will be focused on continuing to expand on its massive growth.

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Android tablets coming of age. According to Gartner, “Tablet Shipments Increase 53.4 Percent, “Worldwide combined shipments of devices (PCs, tablets and mobile phones) are projected to reach 2.32 billion units in 2013, a 4.5 percent increase from 2012. The market is being driven by a shift to lower-priced devices in nearly all device categories.” The report this month indicated Android will lead the trend as number one in low-end smartphone market growth leaving Apple far behind at number three. The demand for low-end smartphone’s is expected to rapidly take off in emerging countries such as Brazil, China and India.

Nexus in 2014 will be driven by popular consumption. Nexus has had a growing popularity especially with the Nexus 4 device. The company recently launched Nexus 5, its latest fifth-generation Nexus smartphone. Nexus 5 is also the first model to have a 1080 pixel display. Google’s LG Nexus 5 is the first device to run on KitKat..

Android continues to evolve next year. Android 4.4 or KitKat for Google is moving towards wearable tech. The new Nexus 5, Google Glass, FitBit and Galaxy Gear smartwatches implement Android’s latest version which sets a great tone for Google evolving with wearable tech. Health and fitness is presently the largest market for wearable technologies. Today’s wearable devices integrate lifestyle and technology. New and fresh technologies will be the contributing factor to this, thanks to the future entrepreneurs and innovators. The performance and speed which is offered through Android devices are a significant factor for new wearable technology adoptions.

Twitter as a mobile platform. Twitter is aiming to follow mobile users location. The company is currently testing techniques to share the location data with neighbors. The Twitter apps feature "Nearby." Nearby displays tweets in a separate timeline with enabled location tagging. The feature is an indication of potential future location-based advertising. Twitter is becoming an essential support channel for many businesses to interact directly with consumers and if any CEO or chairman wanted to get a feel for what their customers really want or what’s really going wrong, a few hours on Twitter will probably give them all the answers they need.

Gamification will continue its growth. As the Online Gamification technologies evolve growth of mobile apps will also have to adapt to meet new market demands. Online Gamification customer experience is so much more valuable than just advertising the message for the brand. The consumer expectations are even greater. The growth of the Global Gamification market is driven by many factors such as the market’s ability to optimize in consumer engagement. Investors following gamification for enterprise companies should consider innovation areas, engagement and collaboration, organizational culture and growth expansion.

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