Mar 31, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Google Glass Prescription Lenses

Dec 30, 2013 11:51 AM EST

Google is considering partnerships with sunglass retailers Ray-Ban and Warby Parker, and may also open retail stores to allow customers to try on the device. The Explorer Edition cannot be used by people who wear prescription glasses, but Google has confirmed that Glass will eventually work with frames and lenses that match the wearer's prescription; the glasses will be modular and therefore possibly attachable to normal prescription glasses.

Google / Laptop Mag

As a state-of-the-art optical laboratory, one of the first wearable technology items Rochester Optical will be producing are custom prescription, fashion, and sport lenses for Google Glass, available for purchase in early 2014. "We're beyond thrilled that Tim Moore has joined our dynamic marketing team,” said Wendy Emerson, Digital Marketing Manager at Rochester Optical. “Rochester Optical has so many moving parts,” Emerson continued, “and by joining forces with Moore will be better equipped to connect many of those parts and pieces." Moore's addition comes with the first glimpse of Bien Eyewear, a revolutionary new brand in luxury eyewear invented and developed by Rochester Optical. Bien Eyewear made its debut on the runway during Rochester Fashion Week, on October 17.

The market is growing for wearable technologies but there are still areas to be improved. Battery and power performance is still a challenge for wearable tech devices. There are even still privacy challenges within the area. Applying the necessary security to instill a users trust is crucial. Security must ease the insecurity that exists today. Whether it is personalized security measures, firewalls or encryption, the technology industry is still challenged with lacking resources to provide data security users expect.

Communication for Android wearable technologies is an important element to further innovations. With Android users able to access more data faster, the user experience will improve as a result. Google’s  Bluetooth MAP support allows app communication to third party devices. Through Bluetooth, users can experience communication more efficiently. Bluetooth HID over GATT (HOGP) is available for Android 4.4. Android 4.4 can also integrate with Wi-Fi Tunnelled Direct Link Setup (TDLS) which can communicate to Android users efficiently as well. These are extremely useful and high performing tools for wearable technologies.

Rochester Optical has been listed on the 2013 Rochester Top 100 list for the fourth year in a row, which recognizes the fastest growing companies in the Rochester, NY area. Moore’s contributions to the R&D team in the wearable technology space will continue to keep Rochester Optical on the leading edge in the optical industry and on target with projected growth. Moore's background in working with Google on the Google Glass project, being founder of wearable technology company Venture Glass, gives some exciting clues as to what Bien Eyewear has for the future..

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