Feb 22, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Google's Santa Tracker Online And Adorable

Dec 26, 2013 11:34 AM EST

After unlocking the various pieces of Santa’s Village throughout the month of December, Google says it’s now time to shift focus to the company’s Santa Tracker, which follows St. Nick as he travels around the globe delivering presents and eating people’s cookies.

“The countdown is over. Santa and his elves have been preparing around the clock for the big day, opening up new pieces of Santa’s Village throughout the month. Santa’s been skydiving, the elves catapulted presents, and Santa even sent custom voice messages to friends and family,” the company wrote in a Google Blog post. “The elves are now reporting that the sleigh is ready for takeoff!” 

You can track Santa’s progress through Google’s dedicated app, or simply log on to Santa’s Dashboard—yes he has a dashboard this year. At press time, Santa was in Rome, “holding on to his hat” and heading to Venice next. He had delivered over 4,553,000,000 presents and traveled over 179,000 kilometers.

“Join Santa as he delivers presents around the globe. Whether you’re in Sydney or South Dakota, hop in the driver’s seat by checking out Santa’s Dash(er) Board. See where Santa’s been, where he’s going, and his real-time jolly status ("mmm, those cookies were delicious!”). Don’t forget to check out the photos and local info for places he visits on the route,” the company wrote.

In addition to tracking Santa through the Android app and dashboard, Google is truly taking the experience cross-platform this holiday season with casting support, so you can observe Santa on your big-screen TV. The company has also released a Santa Tracker Chrome extension and you can even view his jolly trek in 3D on Google Earth as well as Google Earth mobile.

All in all, Google has done a great job of being utterly adorable over the holidays and merry revelers all over the world young and old alike are no doubt appreciative.

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