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Android And Mobile Security

Dec 05, 2013 12:24 PM EST

Android’s mobile security and agility towards enforcing policies can integrate across many of its devices. The Android OS mobile security risks have main components which contribute to supporting  enterprise-grade mobility management programs versus other types of operating systems.

Google / QA Simple

To reduce security risk noticing challenges which may arise in reaching users and driving innovation is important. Organizations have to find out the best ways to minimize security risks while at the same time leverage their technologies to benefit the company. With the right security tools better privacy can be offered for Android. Tools should drive overall focus on the security outcome. Having more standardized tools that leverage both privacy and security risks advances best.

Android can support password policies for its devices and delete them remotely if security risks may be compromised.  It is important for the enterprise to make sure mobile security adheres to security programs. Android users can create and govern the right IT guidelines for its employees. Other areas to consider protecting are limiting sensitive mobile data being transferred, leveraging MDM software for password encryption, monitoring mobile devices, performing security assessments for Android and assessing priority threats across the infrastructure.

Data security and breaches are a known fact amongst all types of organizations to date. The majority of these attacks can be prevented by implementing basic security measures. There has to be faster adoption to learning how to deal with these issues and more aggressively.

Android Security Challenges

Consumer adoption has made Android devices more prone as a target for security threats. Android’s open application model or Android open source has contributed to the increase of security risk for users. Organizations are faced with data protection challenges. Higher security measures are being implemented to avoid such risks.

A mobile device strategy consists of addressing security challenges such as stolen mobile devices, password guidelines, VPN intranet resource access and improving or preventing data loss. Mobile devices for the organization should support corporate guidelines and ensure trust for partners or clients.

Android applications should be able to interact and access specific features such as the device camera, GPS, SMS and more to test for security. Once the application is decompiled, a review is conducted for application vulnerabilities. Android has decompilers available in beta version as a security tool to provide insight and analysis.

Limiting risk here is important for these security issues. With minimizing risk in PINS, like most security issues being able to balancing risk against convenience is important. Finding ways to ease PINS risk with organizations using helpful tools and articles such as these are great information to know. Acknowledging and setting such industry standards will boost confidence as well. Concern and Trust within security has had dramatic effects. A lot of the changes also result due to corporate governance and regulations. It's critical that organizations still must continue and learn to adapt, thrive and grow in these circumstances. Technology's role is critical to enable such strategies.

Educating end users on best practices is crucial. Now is an important time to do so. Performing risk assessments is a good way to mitigate. Understanding where a lot of the risk and vulnerabilities are can add to prevention and identify problems. Good risk management practices can prevent emerging security risks and threats for Android.

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