Jan 22, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

The Galaxy 11 (Part 1)

Nov 22, 2013 11:16 AM EST

An invasion cometh! But don't worry: we're in good hands. According to Samsung, the alien's superior weapons technology won't help them in this fight. The battle for the Earth will be fought on the pitch, not on a traditional battlefield. As a world leader in technology, Samsung has risen to the occasion and is gathering a team to fight our intergalactic nemesis. According to the video, a manager has been selected, and we're well on our way to being saved. Updates will keep coming in about players being added to the all-star team. Expect some superstars to take the field when the final battle goes down; it should be a very exciting fight.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don’t be worried--head on over to www.theGalaxy11.com for information and up-to-date news about the situation. Samsung has really outdone itself this time with its latest marketing plan. In order to spread awareness and drum up some conversation about their latest devices, Samsung will have its football players sport the latest in the Galaxy line, like the Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Gear, Galaxy Note 10.1, and Galaxy S4 Zoom. Honestly, I have no idea where this thing is going, and neither does anyone else. The whole world is watching and waiting to see how this goes down, and how far Samsung's marketing team is going to take it. There have even been sightings of the alien's signals popping up at popular landmarks and members of their group sitting in at international football games. Keep checking back here at Droid Report for the latest updates about The Galaxy 11. I am extremely excited to see what Samsung does with this wacky idea, what about you? Leave a comment below and say whether or not you think it's a clever business idea, or a marketing plan taken too far. 

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