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Android, Open Source And Big Data

Nov 03, 2013 12:10 PM EST

Android, open source, cloud and big data drive our trends in today’s technology. Cloud companies will now adapt and interoperate with open source. Interoperability will allow organizations to build their own private clouds across the estimated multi-trillion dollar industry. Google’s Android OS has been dominating in both smartphones and tablets. Open source now influences cloud, Big Data, Hadoop and NoSQL technologies.

Open source (OS) software is still slow to adopt as organizations work to integrate it in its infrastructure. Many open-source vendors are similar to traditional vendors. Both combine proprietary software and open source to derive more sales. There are legacy technology vendors which use open source on a more “as needed” basis. OS organizations such as IBM have capitalized in the billions by selling its software and hardware solutions.

Big Data

The way in which big data scales will bring challenges towards these new and existing approaches. An entire enterprise is prone to risk. If the organization has a risk management framework in place it can help address the most critical threats. We can look at using sophisticated analytics to improve overall decision making in these areas. Cloud will become a more standard platform. The market can be demanding of the business model with timing a crucial

Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics technology helps to better leverage Big Data. Countly is the only open source mobile analytics with real-time update, scalable infrastructure and a non-prohibitive license. The company offers multi-platform support and runs on the Android platform. Mobile customer perspectives have come along way. Leveraging big data to segment customer experience shows how powerful  tools and ROI make real-time personalization possible.

Those invested in Big data analytics and integration seek out fast response to BI questions and building competitive advantage performance improvements. Big data gives the opportunity to identify new emerging data for organizations. Big Data is a substantial market. Most of our big data today has been produced in last two years alone. There seems to be many techniques to analyzing small data sets. Solution Providers can work to refine such approaches and techniques. Small data sets objectives should meet defined requirements, how to produce the best quality data derived and meet reliability from abundant data. Making sure the conditions are stable is also important.

Android Open Source

Android open source developers are likely to emerge in Big Data. OS software is free and  installation is simple. The commercial OS vendors do have to make revenues. Developing proprietary code, design and development services, training and hosting software installations are some of the ways this is done. OS is serious to big data platforms. OS is a democratic environment. Developers and companies can contribute ideas for organizations to benefit instantly.

Will open source dominate today’s big data industry?  Google Android is presently the only alternative available versus Apple iOS for the mobile market. Real scale and impact will require all enterprises to adopt standards. Cloud organizations will have to establish standards accordingly. Without standardization, cloud organizations that have barriers will suffer. Constant innovation is critical for enterprise infrastructure functions. OpenStack enterprise companies will continue to evolve in growth, innovations and cloud industry standards. OpenStack is still too nascent for an enterprise to be declared as a “winner or loser” in the cloud. Only time will tell.

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