Mar 26, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Fitbit's Free Social App Syncing

Oct 25, 2013 04:03 PM EDT

Fitbit Force syncs in as a free, social, fun workout app for Android. The new wearable smartwatch technology presently offers a plethora of running apps compatible for Android. Fitbit Force is the latest fitness tracker from its line, which includes its popular model Flex. Fitbit is one of the most hottest wearable smartwatch devices today driven by the interest and demand of those consumers who want to live healthy.

A proprietary charging point for Fitbit Force syncs in through a wireless computer with its USB cable. The Force fitness tracker can sync directly in over Bluetooth 4.0 using an Android device. The updated version is also wider and is the first to feature an OLED display. Overall, the device is still a similar look and feel version to Fitbit Flex.

Fitbit Free App

Fitbit also recently updated its apps for the Android mobile platform. These refreshed apps available such as Fitbit’s free app offers the user a social experience, allowing them to create leaderboards on Android. Fitbit is also planning in the future to add in more badges and interactivity such as gamification for its customer base.

Google / Nicholas Gray

Social and Motivational

Fitbit now offers an array of new social motivational tools through the Fitbit iPhone and Android app. iOS 7 iPhone users will be able to receive incoming call notifications through Fitbit Force. This includes a vibration alert which delivers the callers name and phone number on display. The purpose of these alerts is to gain more user attention.

iOS Exclusive

The iO7 S iPhone launch is exclusive only. No news is yet available if Android will also be compatible. Fitbit Force is set to launch at large retailers like Best Buy and Target before this year at the price of $129.95. Android users can still sync Fitbit Force but before information could update to the app it has to be done with a computer.

Fitbit Android App

Fitbit’s Android App is available as a free download in the Google Play store. Galaxy S 4, Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note II and Galaxy Note 10 sync wirelessly. The app syncs with the Fitbit Force USB cable. The Android App also offers the ability to add other feature items which can be tracked such as weight and food for an all in one usage.

Smartwatch activity trackers are a great product which allows the user to track sleep, gather fitness data, measure information and the calories burned. Fitbit Force delivers real time,  instant engagement and can easily store data on Android. This data can be stored by the minute and even up to 30 days on Android mobile platform’s battery usage.

Android Mobile Platforms

The award-winning Fitbit Force is its most technologically advanced device which offers both wireless and sleep tracking features. Fitbits friend to friend app messaging offers real time app engagement on Android. According to Canalys Research, “Smartwatches “are set to explode by the end of 2014″ when vendors will ship more than 5 million units, a 900% increase from the number of units.” Fitbit’s free updated apps sync very well with the Android ecosystem keeping its users healthy and on the go. Android mobile platforms are on the cutting edge with embracing sensor compatibility and real time interactivity through smartwatches.

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