Mar 28, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

Industries That Benefit The Most From Aerial Drone Imagery

Apr 27, 2020 10:22 PM EDT

Industries That Benefit The Most From Aerial Drone Imagery
(Photo : Unsplash)

Today, the development of a wide array of innovative drones continues to transform the business world. Managers in several industries discover these products offer superb photographic and video capabilities. Consider a few fields in which these high tech remotely operated devices furnish solid value in gathering images:

Insurance Adjusting

Insurance adjusters help their employers save money and serve customers by obtaining accurate information as efficiently as possible. Drone photography supplies a useful tool for determining the condition of a hard-to-access rooftop after a hailstorm. It also helps adjusters explore the extent of damage to property rapidly following flooding or other large scale disasters.

Real Estate Sales

One of the most valuable aerial drone photography services for businesses involves capturing a bird's eye view of real estate. Buyers frequently face challenges visualizing rural properties, for example. By using panoramic videos taken with the assistance of drones, real estate brokers help prospective buyers evaluate a property's potential and scope in detail.

Film And Television Production

Probably few industries benefit as much from the use of unmanned aerial craft as film and television production companies. Drones are capable of capturing eye-catching panoramic imagery and sweeping footage that's otherwise only possible by using bulky cranes or expensive helicopter rentals.


Today, news services around the globe employ videos shot with the assistance of drones. In many situations, drones obtain images of places that reporters cannot readily access. They offer a useful perspective on areas devastated by natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions and tidal waves, for example. In some cases, drones permit newscasters to create gripping footage of traffic congestion or deserted city streets.


Contractors appreciate the value of drones as tools to help monitor the progress of construction projects. Checking the general appearance of a steeply graded roof or a recently framed attic proves almost effortless with the assistance of these mobile devices. They assist some building inspectors in determining whether underground networks of caves in some high-risk locations pose a sinkhole hazard, too.


Fire departments responding to large conflagrations rely extensively upon images captured by unmanned aerial craft. Drones sometimes offer assistance in identifying the best spots to implement fire lines against spreading forest fires, for instance. They may help alert fire departments to locations where rapidly advancing flames pose a special hazard.

Disaster Relief Agencies

Today, drones assist many nonprofit agencies in serving charitable causes. These tools vividly help demonstrate the degradation of environmental conditions in some of the world's most impoverished nations. They may assist relief agencies in identifying pockets of survivors in the wake of natural disasters. They provide assistance in locating the best routes to use to bring relief supplies into remote stricken regions, too.

Environmental Conservationists

Today, drones sometimes assist population biologists in assessing the numbers of endangered animal species within specific locations. They may offer evidence of poaching or pinpoint the routes used by migrating wildlife. They hold utility for a variety of scientific and conservation purposes.

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