Mar 31, 2025 | Updated: 11:35 AM EDT

The Android App Economy

Nov 17, 2013 05:44 PM EST

The Android App economy has gained ground. Sales from apps, advertising revenues that were designed for consumers are now in effect. There were no mobile apps available in 2007. Today, over 25 billion mobile applications have been downloaded by users. Apps are generating more revenue streams and integrated into the business model.

Google / Vision Mobile

Asian countries such as Japan have been strongly growing, transitioning into the Android application market. Android developers are capitalizing on the consumer spending levels in areas such as gaming and apps from Japan. Last fall, Japan had surpassed United States in the Google Play market.

Japan’s carriers such as Softbank are on the move. SoftBank was the top gainer this year as Japan’s Nikkei closed 1.8 percent higher at 13,245.22 points, the highest since June 12. SoftBank is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies. Japan’s SoftBank plans have encouraged new cost savings for smartphones and will offer its own expertise in wireless technology. The Japanese market is highly competitive for domestic companies.

Softbank Founder, Masayoshi Son Google /Techno Buffalo

Mobile apps should be incentive like, innovative, fun and engaging. Have the right elements. and coming up with the best social solutions and being of influence is an important initiative to engaging consumers. The app consumer is modern, smart and resourceful, digitally interactive and well connected. With the right strategy, improving multi-channel customer experiences and adapting strategies to make personalized content will be key elements in supporting such customer experiences.

A majority of Americans (68%) said mobile apps will make holidays better for reasons such as:

  • More easily finding deals for Cyber Monday and Black Friday– 52%

  • Better able to make plans while they’re on the go – 47%

  • Avoiding long check-out lines by using apps specifically designed for that purpose – 46%

*These survey results were released by SOASTA

Smartphone Global Mobile Growth, mobile device market is the fastest growing market sector today being let by smartphone users worldwide. Wireless Intelligence had stated in its report "1.5 billion subscribers will be added to 3G networks in the next two years." The smartphone market is expected to grow to 18.3% compounded annually through 2016. It is estimated that 1 in 7 of the world's population owned a smartphone in the third quarter of 2012. Global growth has yet to penetrate in the market. It is forecasted the next billion growth of smartphones to be achieved in less than three years, by 2015. We will look for the "work life" balance and productivity features.

When offering mobile apps, customers would most likely look for value-seeking offers and organizations that can cater well in digital rewards offers like these will succeed. Companies are now working to expand their technologies, meeting competitive demands in emerging trends such as integrating gamification, video conferencing, high speed networks and leveraging mobile. By 2014, worldwide mobile commerce will reach $352.7 billion. Consumers have largely kept up spending levels this year. Forrester says U.S. web shoppers will spend $262 billion in 2013. 

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