Gun Media Releases Patches To Fix ‘Friday the 13th: The Game' Glitches
Gun Media released on Tuesday patches to fix the glitches of “Friday The 13th: The Game.” For PlayStation 4, it released the 40mb Patch 1.04 which removed bugs and glitches and improved matchmaking times. The update also ironed out some of the other issues of the game.
For the improvement in Matchmaking, Patch 1.04 of “Friday The 13th: The Game” switched to a more robust matchmaking system that will support a larger number of players. The result is a reduction of matchmaking times. Gun Media said it is working currently with Microsoft to move over to a new system to help further cut matchmaking times, The Sixth Axis reports.
The Patch Notes for “Friday The 13th: The Game” also fixed more than 40 items in the game. It includes the new intro cinematics for Tommy Jarvis spawn, Game Intro, and Game Outro. It fixed the crash for VOIP, out of memory crash, getting stuck when interactive with drawers, when climbing through windows, and whenever Jason gets stuck in a chop loop when he breaks down doors.
For PC and Xbox One, Gun Media released Patch 1.02 of “Friday The 13th: The Game.” Among the things it fixed is the infinite stamina glitch on PC and VoIP crashing on Xbox One. The update for the two game consoles included general improvements and a random option added to the PC lobby and small visual improvements for both versions of the game, IGN reports.
In “Friday The 13th: The Game,” the player assumes the role of a helpless camp counselor or Jason Voorhees, the vicious killer. The game had a large number of followers, but the number dwindled because of the issues across all platforms. The decline in the number of players led Gun Media to issue Patch 1.04 for PS4 and Patch 1.02 for Xbox One and PC.