Intel & AMD Intensifies The Rivalry With Multi-Core Cpus Lining Up
Intel is gearing up for an i9 processor that could reach the users by the end of August. AMD will be coming up with its own multi-core processors eyeing ten or more cores this September.
It has been some time since Intel developed a stellar processor, and it looks like the wait is over. The launch of i9 is rumored to take place that is considered to house six or more cores. The move is expected to be countered by Intel's biggest rival AMD. The next processor lining up will see AMD use ten or more cores.
Venture beat reports that both the processors will cost a fortune although the high-end features are expected to deliver a formidable performance. Intel will be dishing out Kaby lake-X and Skylake-X chips, out of which the latter will pack the much awaited i9 processor. Intel will be releasing four such chips naming them Core i9-7920X, Core i9-7900X, Core i9-7820X, and Core i9-7800X.
AMD will brand the Ryzen 9 with nine such chips. In descending order; Ryzen 9 1998X, Ryzen 9 1998, Ryzen 9 1977X, Ryzen 9 1977, Ryzen 9 1976X, Ryzen 9 1956X, Ryzen 9 1956, Ryzen 9 1955X, and Ryzen 9 1955. Newsjs reports that the two companies will look to enhance the gaming experience.
AMD Ryzen has taken the initiative of being a gaming powerhouse trying everything to replace the well established Intel kingdom. No official statements or press release have been announced yet to reaffirm the rumors. However, there lies no doubt that multi-core CPUs will quickly don the market.
The price factor remains another uncovered area, with little information on compatibility features. It will be intriguing to see how gamers react to such lucrative devices. The i7 Kaby Lake or the Ryzen 7 has marshaled 4K gaming without any deterioration in performance. Meanwhile, for more updates on Intel and AMD stay tuned with us!