Bandai Namco’s Newest ‘Code Vein’ Can Be Compared To The Critically Successful Game Dark Souls
Bandai Namco's newest action role-playing game "Code Vein" will soon launch next year, bringing what appears to be a blood-drenched take on "Dark Souls" gameplay. The first real look at the newest action game can be seen in a new trailer released by the game's publisher earlier today.
According to Game Spot, given the critical success of the "Dark Souls" series, it is kind of surprising that more games haven't copied the From Software formula in making their own combat-heavy dungeon crawlers. Bandai Namco appears to have been taking important notes for the new trailer for vampire action-RPG "Code Vein," where the trailer show the game's huge weapons and towering bosses, including a measured-tactical combat system which seems to rely more on dodges and timing than long strings of button battle combos.
"Code Vein" perhaps borrows more from anime than the medieval scenario of "Dark Souls." Bandai Namco's game features perfectly melodramatic music, coiffed protagonists, and skimpy bikini armor including portentous voiceover that tells players that the game's scenario where all human are dead. It is because to the Thorns of Judgement, big spikes that stabbed up out of the ground, as well as a calamity which also left red-eyed monsters to wander the land.
According to Twin Finite, "Code Vein" main character has its own vampiric weapon; a spiky gauntlet which can suck out the souls of the dead. Sucked souls can be used to increase the player's strength or even weaken enemies, as well as using them to power huge attacks. The main character can be able to enlist companion from the game's other characters that brings them into battles against bosses and regular enemies.
Bandai Namco encourages the comparison between "Code Vein" and "Dark Souls," where they used the phase Prepare to Dine in its teaser trailer, mirrored from From Software's Prepare to Die. "Code Vein" was set debut next year. Stay tuned for more updates.