2017 Xperia XZ And Xperia X Performance Latest News & Update: May Receive Android 7.1.1 For Lots Of Improvements & Smart Features
Sony Smartphone is the prime mobile Company to distribute Android 7.1.1 Nougat for several of its outcomes. Android 7.1.1 is now rolling out to the Sony Xperia XZ and Xperia X presentation Smartphone. The Xperia XZ is moderately stronger of the two, while the Xperia X presentation is a more close-packed Smartphone.
The news appears via Sony Xperia Blog which declares that the upgrade approaches with the typical Android 7.1.1 characteristics, but does not refer to any Sony involvements. The Sony Xperia XZ and Xperia X production were situated the first handsets to obtain the upgrade throughout the end of the last year.
The Xperia XZ and Xperia X presentation users are supposed to obtain app shortcuts, although the Xperia structure does not help them at the short time, so it persists to be noticed if an upgrade is approaching Sony's Android structure. Every new characteristic that was developed with the Android 7.1.1 should be involved in the two devices of Xperia.
The Xperia XZ display size of 5.2-inch with full HD present and it is powered by the Snapdragon, while the Xperia X production approaches with a 5-inch full HD display and it also characteristics the Snapdragon. Nowadays, Sony has started rolling out the devices of Android 7.1.1 for Xperia XZ and Xperia X production, as per Fonearena.
The record of the rollout was first marked by Xperia Blog, which declares that the shortcuts are accessible for the Xperia XZ and Xperia X production, though only with able to exist together without problems. Sony device has delivered the Android 7.1.1 software programmed into a read-only memory upgrade for both handsets.
The Android 7.1.1 upgrade was distributed by Google and started to roll out to Nexus Smartphone after a couple of months. The upgrade for the Xperia XZ and Xperia X production involves Android safety patch. The upgrade guides Android 7.1.1 software to both the mechanisms and is going to roll out over the air.