‘Overwatch’ 2.1 Patch Note Update Release on Xbox One, PS4, PC Bring Several Bug Fixes, Glitches
Blizzard just released the latest "Overwatch" 2.1 patch note update yesterday for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC consoles. Through this new version, Blizzard tries to fix many in-game bugs as much as possible.
One of the most popular bugs that will be fixed with "Overwatch" 2.1 patch note update is the "Uprising" exploit. The glitches will allow players to finish 'push the payloads' to the checkpoint incredibly easy.
For those who don't know, the "Uprising" exploit will happen in PvP mode in which enemies will stop spawning for the entire phase so fast characters like Tracer or Lucio can arrive at the checkpoint just under ten seconds. After "Overwatch" 2.1 patch note update is applied, gamers won't experience the exploit anymore and have to fight their way to the end, as reported by Gamerant.
"Overwatch" 2.1 patch note update is also making some adjustment for the inaccurate scorecards for some characters and issues about turret placements on moving platforms. For the PC users, they will find the imprecise result of "Overwatch" competitive play has been fixed.
According to Express, some characters like Mei, D.Va, and Soldier: 76 also receive numerous bug fixes like Mei's main weapon and ultimate issue in which suppose to slow down enemies but can't. "Overwatch" 2.1 patch note update is another example of Blizzard's commitment to delivering excellent gaming experiences to players.
With this kind of commitment, gamers can expect more top-notch improvements after "Overwatch" 2.1 patch note update. To see more details about the bug fixes and glitches that this latest update did, users can visit here.
With the bugs and glitches have been taken care by "Overwatch" 2.1 patch note update, gamers can enjoy the title more and If players feel that the PvP mode is difficult and don't know how to win the stages, they can see the "Overwatch" Tips & Tricks article. Because this game is all about strategy, users need to make sure that they plan their every move.
To know more information about "Overwatch" 2.1.0 patch note update that fixes "Uprising" exploit, please watch the video below. Let us know your thoughts