‘Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus’ How to Score 500,000 Points in Score Attack Mode [Video]; Gameplay Reviewed
"Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" allows players to take control of Gladio and find out his story when he disappeared in the main story. The DLC story reveals that Gladio reached out to Cor and undertook a trial that would lead him to face off with Gilgamesh at the end.
Gilgamesh has made many appearances in the Final Fantasy series, from Eidolon (Final Fantasy 8) to a fool (World of Final Fantasy). In "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus," Gilgamesh will have a role in testing out Gladio, ensuring that he is fit to be the Shield of the King of Lucis.
There will be 3 bosses that gamers will encounter in "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" before battling against Gilgamesh. Upon defeating each boss, Gladio will be rewarded an ability that will be required in fighting Gilgamesh.
The combat system in "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" has undergone few changes and a bit different with the main game battle system. Each trial in this story is designed to be unique and will test out different fighting abilities that Gladio possesses.
"Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" also includes a new feature called the Rage Meter. The novel skill will increase the damage given as the meter is filled. To put it simply, the higher the meter the damage will be more destructive.
To load up the Rage Meter, players need to block damages and this skill is also the Ace card to beat Gilgamesh. It's very hard to fight Gilgamesh in "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" without using this damage multiplier wisely.
Just like in the "Final Fantasy XII," "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" will also have different cinematic attacks that will be built up as Gladio took damage. Once the condition is met, gamers can unleash the devastating effect.
Players can also use Gladio to pick up concrete pillars and smash it to beat enemies. If gamers able to destroy all of the pillars and find all the items lying around in "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus," they can earn a trophy for each additional secret finished.
"Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" brings in so much fun, however, the story is very short. The DLC can be beaten in less than two hours, including destroying the pillars and exploring and finding all the items lying around.
Once fans completed "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus," two new features will be unlocked. The first is a timed event to earn a high score, the Gladiolus Score Attack Mode. The second is a final trial against a boss, some sort of replying a boss fight mode.
According to Technobuffalo, players that finished "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" and scores 500,000 points in the Gladiolus Score Attack Mode will be able to get the 'Rugged Attire' armor. Although it's called 'Attire', basically, it's just the shirtless version of Gladio, covered by an eagle tattoo in his shoulders area.
The shirtless option, however, not only showing off Gladio's washboard abs and pecks but it also provides Gladio with 200 attack power boosts. There's a strategic advantage in having him to wear this 'armor' after all.
"Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" is created to add Gladio's background story in the main arc and strengthening his bond as the Shield of the King of Lucis as well as his ties to Cor and his own father. After the credit rolls, gamers will also get to see a teaser trailer for "Episode Prompto", as reported by MMORPG.
Watch the video below for the gameplay of "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus" and how to get the 'Rugged Attire' armor. Leave a comment below if you also think that the Gladio's shirtless attire is fabulous.