Nintendo Switch Console Games Are Now On 20% Sale On Amazon
Nintendo lovers have been thrilled when the Hammer Corporation launched its new Switch console games, just a month ago. However, this isn't just the end of bliss as the company confirmed that there is also a 20 percent off among its popular games.
There are 10 popular Switch games that are now on sale on Nintendo, BGR reported. Though recently, there are numerous reports regarding about the console issues of its games but since this news disseminated, it helped to bring back the good publicity of the company.
The first five Nintendo Switch console games that are available now are: "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild," "Just Dance 2017," "1-2 Switch," "Super Bomberman R" and "Fast RMX." "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey," "Splatoon 2," "Minecraft: Story Mode" and "ARMS" are available for pre-order but all of them are being offered at a 20 percent discount on Amazon.
Switch console games of Nintendo are only accessible to those who are Amazon Prime subscribers. They are the only ones qualified to have a full access to several games on pre-order sale. But for non-prime Amazon subscribers, they can sign up for a 30-day free trial.
Both prime and non-prime subscribers will get a 20 percent off with their chosen Nintendo Switch console games. If in case you have used your prime trial already, Amazon just encourages you to sign up for a new account with a new email address.
As of this moment, Nintendo switch console games like "Just Dance" costs only $49.99, which its original price is $59.99. While "1-2 Switch" is now on its 6% sale, being sold for $46.96. Lastly. Super Bomberman R is now $45.99 from its original price os $49.99.
If haven't have one of these Nintendo Switch console games, it is all available in Amazon. Likewise, it is now high time to have one!