Xbox Live Games With Gold Leaked For April 2017: Hopefully It Is Not An April Fool's Day Prank
Another lineup for the Xbox Live Games with Gold has been leaked recently. The lineup includes four games which are the following: "Ryse: Son of Rome," "Darksiders," "Assassin's Creed Revelations," and "Walking Dead Season 2." These games are something to look forward to, especially for gamers, who want to save and maximize gaming experience with these notable games.
The availability of these games is the following. "Ryse: Son of Rome" will be available from April 1 to 30, "Darksiders" will be available from April 1 to 15, "Assassin's Creed Revelations" will start from April 16 to 30, and "The Walking Dead Season 2" will be available from April 16 to May 15. According to Express, the leak started on a Facebook page from Xbox Austria, which shows the four notable Xbox games on its post. The facebook post can be viewed below:
The post does not only reveal something to look forward to in the future, but raises numerous suspicions, hopefully not. April Fool's day is coming soon and this may be a prank that someone is starting to pull. Though, sources tell that these games may be the true leak for the Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup.
The Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup is something to look forward to, especially when the first days of April is coming up. This will surely not a bad month for players because the game lineup contains highly-rated games. Therefore, players should wait until the date arrives for a free download of the games they yearn to play before or be playing again.
However, not all games are worth waiting for because others disliked it the moment it was played for some players. According to TechnoBuffalo's post, there are certain dislikes of the game "Ryse: Son of Rome." This is good news for gamers who are willing to try any game on the Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup.