Nintendo Switch Update: All Games Confirmed [Full List]; Nintendo Switch Needs a Pokemon Game
With Nintendo Switch finally out and in the hands of some lucky customer, excitement is now building over the surplus of games releasing for the console in coming months. To assist you in keeping track on all of them, below is the list of all the games confirmed for the Nintendo hybrid.
Nintendo Switch is confirmed to have games like "1-2-Switch," "1001 Spikes," '2 Fast 4 Gnomz," "Arcade Archives," "Arms," "Battle Chef Brigade," "Battle Princess Madelyn," "The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+," "Bit Boy! Arcade Deluxe," and "Blaster Master Zero," "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2," "Dragon Quest X," "Dragon Quest XI," "Dragon Quest Heroes I + II," "Duck Game," "Dungeon of Zaar," "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim," "Enter the Gungeon" and "The Escapists 2." Nintendo Switch presently has 113 confirmed games. The full list of the games can be seen here.
On the other hand, Forbes believes that Nintendo Switch should also have a Pokemon game in it. The publication says that it would be ideal to have a Switch port of "Pokémon Sun and Moon," which allegedly exists and may be called "Pokémon Stars."
Publication notes, at this point in time, there must be any Pokémon game, remasters of any of the old classics, made available on the Nintendo Switch. One of Nintendo's primary goals for the Switch was to have a consistently appealing line-up of games with fewer gaps in its schedule than previous consoles.
The Nintendo Switch games list has some of the top games included in it; the only problem is that there aren't many of them available to buy right now. And while the Nintendo has a few other big releases coming up this year like, "Mario Kart 8," "Splatoon 2" and "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim," there will still be a little collection to choose from. Nevertheless, Nintendo also has a big collection of eShop titles coming out this year.