'Nier Automata' Survival Tips: 5 Important Tips To Remember To Level Up Faster & Safer In This Open-World PS4 Game
"Nier Automata" from Platinum Games and published by Square Enix grabs so much attention from the fans and gamers around the world, especially the U.S. and UK. In addition, the game is an open-world game, where players can explore places everywhere.
However, enemies are spawned randomly and can even be few levels higher than the player. This is the reason why players should take into consideration the threats the enemies can give if they are not careful on both their levels and skills. Plug-in chips and equipment are present in the game including money are included to strengthen players throughout their journey. Here are five tips to remember:
Stock up on healing items
This a must-do for any adventure games, especially when players are venturing far away places for greater loot and experience. "Nier Automata" is not only fun but also challenging on numerous levels. Save points are scarce in some areas of the world, which is why considering restorative items ready for use is a must-do.
Don't forget to save progress frequently
According to Redbull, saving progress through activating save points around the world. This is both challenging and rewarding. In addition, players should always consider saving on the nearest save point for the sake of saving progress and prevent regret during death.
Save money for Motherboard storage upgrades
This is a no-brainer for all experienced RPG players out there. "Nier Automata" is an action-RPG game that involved leveling up and gaining items for strength. Money is one of the important factors in the game and should be considered because it can help upgrade some motherboard storage and buy useful items.
Never hesitate to upgrade plug-in chips
Upgrading plug-in chips is a must as well to unlock YorHa 2B, the main character in the game, capabilities, and potential. Moreover, unlocking these plug-in chips will increase damage output as well as evade some attacks from enemies. However, players should never unequip all chips because an anomaly will happen on the main character just as the report from Kotaku states.
D-pad shortcuts and shooting
According to GodisaGeek, learning the ways of the D-pad is also required to keep the gameplay flowing in "Nier Automata." D-pad contains all the shortcut to items that can be used during battle, especially healing items in case of critical conditions. Lastly, to maximize damage output, pressing L2 on the gamepad lets players lock on to the enemy while pressing R2 to shoot never-ending bullets from the support pod.