‘Pokemon Stars’ News Update: Players Waiting For Release Date On Nintendo Switch, But Experts Believe It Could Be A Different ‘Pokemon’ Game
Nintendo and Pokemon Company have not yet announced the release date for “Pokemon Stars” on Nintendo Switch which became available on March 3. The game that launched with the switch is “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.” Gamers are holding on the promise of Tsunekazu Ishihara, CEO of Pokemon Company, that there would be a “Pokemon” game for the switch.
HD Rendering. Moreover, every Nintendo handheld prior to the Nintendo Switch received a game from the “Pokemon” series, Tech.Mic points out. An HD rendering of “Pokemon Stars,” the codename of “Pokemon Sun and Moon,” likely release date announcements and YouTube videos that played current “Pokemon” games on a Nintendo Switch were made. It was superimposed on a picture of the consoler, but the visual seems enticing.
YouTuber Blunty provided the video of “Pokemon Stars” on the Nintendo Switch which the tech website says would look better if offered on the 3DS edition of the game. According to Eurogamer, “Pokemon Stars” is well into development and cites its sources that it would launch in 2017. The game is being developed by the “Pokemon Sun and Moon” team at Game Freak, which is the studio that developed also all main “Pokémon” game since its Game Boy days.
Slightly Different Properties. Ishihara confirmed the company’s plans to develop a game for Nintendo Switch in September, but not much has been heard about the plan by Pokemon Company. He pointed out then that the switch is a home game machine that could be brought out, it has properties slightly different from a handheld machine because the display is slightly bigger and the spec is also high. “Therefore, if you are going to give out Pokemon to the Switch, do not do it the way you have just done,” he says.
Tech.mic believes it would not be “Pokemon Stars” that would be available on Nintendo Switch. Rather, Pokemon Company could have something bigger planned for the switch.