PlayStation Updates: PlayStation Monthly Offers With PS4, PS3, PS Plus & Vita; Including Full List of Games
Recently PlayStation Store has updated this month. The console adds free PlayStation Plus games for all six games across all platform including cross-buy support which allow consumers to get three games in PS4; "Disc Jam," "Lump," and "Tearway Unfolded," these are all newly released games but will be free for all PlayStation Plus registered members.
The game that leads is the "Tearaway Unfolded," Media Molecule's paper-thin platformer available on PlayStation 4. "Tearaway Unfolded" begins with the two paper craft messengers known as Iota which follows its journey to deliver a very important message. According to Game Spot, the game was originally installed with the PS Vita's Rear Touchpad with gyroscope features while its sequel offers the same platform in PS4 with "DualShock 4" controller system.
The Frisbee-themed sport "Disc Jam" is also available on PlayStation 4 which looks over the shoulder version from the NEO-GEO classic "Windjammers"; was known to be ported to both PS4 and PS Vita. The game illustrates to be a frenetic blend of the sports tennis with a mix of table hockey equipped with very easy controls which were predicted to grab tons of audience. "Disc Jam" will also be free on PlayStation Plus, as noted by Finder.
Drinkbox Studio's criminally under-exposed game "Severed" which features an action-based built game from the ground up for the neglected handheld PS Vita; the game was recently released last year's April. As of today, PlayStation Vita was almost buried and dead but not totally forgotten; if ever you're interested, play the Sony's portable system with "Severed." For all PlayStation 3 users, you can play "Earth Defense Force 2025" including the isometric adventure "Lumo," both available for PS Vita and PS4 using cross-play.
This month's full PS Plus game lineup, this includes "Tearaway Unfolded," "Disc Jam," and "Lumo." For PlayStation 3, it includes "Under Night: In-Birth" and "Earth Defense Force 2025." PlayStation Vita offers "Severed" and "Limo" for all PS Vita games out there.