New 'Mass Effect: Andromeda': BioWare Pulls off Game’s Multiplayer Beta; Sets of Video Updates Give Spoilers to the Upcoming Game
Recently, BioWare released a video clip that explains with more than 100 planets to explore for their new "Mass Effect: Andromeda." The recent video was entitled Exploration and Discovery.
"Mass Effect: Andromeda" teased fans releasing sets of videos giving a different angle of the game which was made by the developer department of BioWare. The game features series of journey vehicle; the Nomad, this vehicle can be developed with better handling, turbo, and other things for better gaming experience.
According Game Spot, the video portrays the Forward Station that can be discovered in the upcoming "Mass Effect: Andromeda." It can be used as a fast-travel point, also known as a dimensional portal where a player cam changes its loadout and even teleports his/her vehicle, the Nomad at any stations.
The next "Mass Effect: Andromeda" video series will be released on March 3 which BioWare confirmed. This video will highlight on the game's exploration factor for the one of the most anticipated game. The game is full of exploration and discovery which players are allowed to make a choice for the places he/she will take in the vast galaxy Andromeda, according to Polygon.
Previous videos that were released by BioWare featured Elaaden; a cruel desert world where even the hardly Krogan who have lived in struggle enable to survive. "Mass Effect: Andromeda" video series illustrates how big and open these worlds are which the vehicle The Nomad will be used to travel these places.
A player's future in the game will be based on Elaaden which can lead to increased viability for a planet as a whole in "Mass Effect: Andromeda." This will allow players to build an outpost for a further upgrade in Nexus space station that was placed in the center of Andromeda's storyline.
Meanwhile, BioWare has recently canceled "Mass Effect: Andromeda" multiplayer beta which PAX East players can try the multiplayer mode next week while EA/Origin Access subscribers can experience a 10-hour trial live this March 16. "Mass Effect: Andromeda" complete launch was scheduled this coming March 21 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.