Samsung KNOX Device Protection
Samsung KNOX Device Protection is a tremendous benefit to the BYOD trend. To reduce security risk, we also would see challenges arise in reaching users and driving innovation. Organizations have to find out the best ways to minimize security risks while at the same time adhere to compliance to benefit the company.
Considering the community and IT departments a business case would be helpful in these type of migrations. Having a plan and being prepared for any time consuming or organization rollbacks is critical to executing migration successfully. Once the business case has been made, organisations can consider issues and address tools, suggest best practices for users who are included in these processes.
Samsung's latest version, Samsung KNOX 2.0 was recently announced at this year's Mobile World Congress. The second version for Android is expected to ship in the next months which will include a release of new features and enterprise mobility management updates. The new version is being compared to iOS7. KNOX is reputable for its differences which are superior in two-factor authentication, EMM policies and APN support. The Samsung KNOX Marketplace apps store is also available with the latest version of KNOX 2.0. There are currently 150 apps for Android users.
Visit the Samsung KNOX site to view the latest updated list of devices with new updates coming soon.
*The list includes Galaxy smartphones and tablets that support KNOX and the required Android operating system. If your device was purchased new recently, personal KNOX will be pre-loaded with the latest Android firmware update.