Android, Government and MDM
More and more demand is growing today amongst federal government for the appropriate MDM policies in government security. It's critical that organizations still must continue and learn to adapt, thrive and grow in these circumstances. Across the world, policies are being developed leaving organizations ahead of the curve while others have yet to catch up.
ABC News / Google
Concern and Trust within national security has had dramatic effects. The management in our industry and required increased security for operations, as well personal effects. A lot of the changes also result due to our economic recovery, corporate governance, regulations, etc. . Technology's role is critical to enable such strategies.
These private-cloud misconceptions insights are useful for any organization. Another myth within security is that security issues that cloud equals to a security nightmare, is not true. A higher degree of security, provides those necessary requirements that a cloud environment thrives in.
Developing and supporting a virtual workforce strategy would be smart as well benefit toward low retention. With technology today tools make it easy and convenient for most any generation to work remotely. Enterprise organizations understand the importances of today's virtual workplace by offering specialization in remote workers skills as well for training. Virtual work environments have benefited me greatly on a global scale.
Mobile business has become a trend these days and it will be a big asset to any business. A government organization will benefit a lot out of it if they do target the right segment of the market so they can spread the word of their business via mobiles. It will be a bit expensive but reaching towards customers would be very much easier and for long term it will be a plus factor.