Google Users Shift to Mobile
Google Users are Shifting to Mobile as Desktop Search Declines. U.S. Desktop search is said to be poised for a significant decline this year due to paid clicks on Google moving to mobile devices. According to a new report by eMarketer, US mobile search ad spending grew 120.8% in 2013, contributing to an overall gain of 122.0% for all mobile ads. Overall desktop ad spending increased just 2.3% last year, according to the report.
eMarketer / Google
Google will have a notable influence on the overall shift from desktop to mobile search spending, according to eMarketer. In 2013, 76.4% of the companyâs search ad revenues came from desktop. However, that share will fall to 66.3% in 2014 due to a $770 million decrease in desktop search ad revenues year over year, eMarketer estimates. At the same time, the companyâs mobile search revenues will increase $1.76 billion, totaling approximately one-third of Googleâs total search revenues.
The report suggests that desktop search ad spending will drop $1.4 billion this year, a decrease of 9.4% from 2013, while mobile search will increase 82.3% year over year. Mobile search will total $9.02 billion, compared with $13.57 billion for desktop search. Overall, US spending on advertising served to desktops and laptops will decline 2.4% in 2014 to $32.39 billion, down from $33.18 billion in 2013.
Key contributors to Googleâs mobile search growth include its Enhanced Campaigns and Product Listing Ads (PLAs), both of which contributed to increased click share on mobile throughout 2013 and will continue to do so. Googleâs overall ad revenues, mobile search is gaining significant share. Up from 19.4% in 2013, mobile search will comprise an estimated 26.7% of the companyâs total ad revenues this year. Desktop search declined to 63.0% of Googleâs ad revenues in 2013, having already fallen from 72.7% in 2012.