Facebook Mobile Gains
Facebook Continues to Soar in Mobile. Facebook rose 14.1 percent to $61.08 in New York in a record close last month. The rise was followed by quarterly results in which revenue rose 63 percent to $2.59 billion. The improvements and launch of the Facebook App for Android has made it quicker and easier to view photos, get messages and navigate around the app. Mark Zuckerberg was working all of last year to add in advertisers in efforts to reach new consumer spend on mobile devices.
Mobile advertising and promotions accounted for $1.25 billion in the latest quarter, representing 53 percent of ad sales, up from 49 percent in the prior period. With the emergence of Web 2.0, the internet provides a set of tools that allow people to build social and business connections, share information and collaborate on projects online. Small businesses use social networking sites as a promotional technique. Everyone in advertising knows that the best form of advertising is word of mouth and the best kind of advertisement is one that feels like word of mouth.
A strong foundation serves as a platform in which the organization can centralize its information and direct customers on its recent developments via other social media channels, such as article and press release publications. With the rise of DVRs, Satellite and Internet Radio, and Online news, people are finding more and more ways to avoid ads. Instead they are increasingly relying on the opinions of their friends and families through Facebook.
There are tools to help provide a picture of social performance by indicating what topics are hot and which ones are not. As the results are analyzed and "digested," the strategy can be adjusted to generate more customer interaction. Yes, its also important to for video producers to learn social video marketing, which comes with an understanding of social media. Social Media connects organizations with people from all over the world which as well, expands into real world meetings at conferences. Executive videos are leveraged to 'feel like its audience already knows them." What an executive can also know from the video producer is video has a higher perceived value than other types of mediums.
Google will have pressure in its advertising with Facebook. Facebook's advantage being able to leverage data interests of users through graph search will be difficult for Google's model to compete with. Facebook wants to dominate online advertising. It can be difficult to understand the value of having a Facebook page, or of using Twitter in the first place. Managing and monitoring posts and interactions can be easy, especially if the business gives that specific job to an employee.