Android vs. iOS Security
It is important to acknowledge some of the differences between Android and iOS security. Both Android and iOS have features such as permissions-based access control, resistance to web-based attacks, limited hardware access and the ability to isolate access to sensitive data. Android has more distribution channels. When there are different encryption levels applications may not always take advantage of the features. Verification levels of Android app security is different than Apple.
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Samsung KNOX for Android offers enterprise data protection from malware attacks. Samsung KNOX Android platform is ideal for enterprise deployment. Android userâs personal apps and data information are private. The technology offers a better way for the enterprise to manage BYOD. Samsung KNOX for Employees integrates a dual-persona platform for work and personal user. There are a variety of enterprise features for Samsung KNOX.
Android weaknesses with Google applications are also present. Google does not have ability to check application security measures with availability. There are millions of Android smartphones that still cannot be updated to the latest versions of Android OS. These devices are considered as Android Orphans. Smartphone Manufacturers can modify user interfaces. With Google Android, manufacturers can modify the carrier releasing the device. This then causes Android devices to become more at risk due to poor or unwanted UI modifications.
With Apple's app store, security and privacy areas are not as thoroughly tests. iOS weaknesses point to vulnerable flaws which are called SSL MITM. There are currently millions of exploitable devices on iOS which are prone to risks due to Apple's denial of certain device areas inability to upgrade to version 4.3.5 levels.
Mobile threats, malware pose significant risks within Android OS. With the right mobility tools security and privacy advances can be accelerated in offering opportunities. Security solutions and tools should drive overall focus on the organizations outcome. Having more standardized tools that leverage both privacy and security advances best.