Upcoming 2014 mHealth Events
There are a lot of influences impacting mHealth (mobile health) technologies these days. Mobile technology is considered the future of patient-centric care. Consumerism is a contributing success area of mHealth as well. Devices such as Android smartphones and apps for healthcare are changing the way people are living and using apps to participate in healthcare. Sid Kosaraju, managing director for Accenture, stated at last monthâs mHealth Summit panel, "I think we're in the middle of a care transformation where ability is being transformed by tools," he said. Those tools, he added, are used in four equally important settings: staffed beds, face-to-face, in-home and virtual.
mHealth Summit
Nasrin Dayani, executive director of AT&T ForHealth, AT&T Advanced Business Solutions stated "Eighty percent of mHealth apps don't get used beyond one month ... they're not being integrated in workflows or being made part of the care delivery system." The demand for meaningful use in the apps and data is being questioned on engagement.
The movement of the âe-patientâ is forthcoming. These consumers are using multiple devices such as Android smartphones, tablets, applications and more and are seeking new ways to use digital health. Mobile sensors are taking more place within the industry. InMedica predicts that the American telehealth market will grow by 600 percent between 2012 and 2017. This would represent an increase from the current 227,000 telehealth patients to reach up to 1.3m patients in 2017. They think this is mostly related to the reimbursement changes in the US.
Upcoming 2014 mHealth Events
Social Media in the Pharma Industry
London, England
22-23 January 2014
mHealth Technologies for At-Risk Communities
UCLA, California
23 January 2014
Dublin, Ireland
19 February 2014
Barcelona, Spain
24-26 February 2014
Mobile Health Strategies for Lifescience
Philadephia, USA
12 March 2014
Barcelona, Spain
18-20 March 2014
mHealth in Clinical Trials Congress
Glasgow, Scotland
20-21 March 2014
Luxembourg, Brussels
9-11 April 2014
Washington DC, USA
9-11 April 2014
Berlin, Germany
6 May 2014
Sydney, Australia
20-21 May 2014
Abu Dhabi, UAE
28-29th May 2014
Paris, France
5-6 June 2014
Boston, USA
23-25 July 2014
Washington DC, USA
8-10 December 2014
*mHealth Insight
mHealth, mobile technology and mobile applications is a large, positive entity for healthcare organizations and not just to save money. Being able to analyze illnesses, their patterns and so on, helps physicians determine the best way to diagnose and treat such diseases, illnesses and more. Meeting the demands of consumerization is key.
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