Android Enterprise App Discovery
The adoption of BYOD has produced over 30 percent of revenues from enterprise market mobile services. Enterprises are looking to develop and implement enterprise apps compatible with multiple mobile Android platforms. The app discovery experience still has challenges for both Android users and developers. Enterprise organization are seeking apps that are in line with business tools for applications with a consumer focus.
BYOD programs that are implemented with enterprise Android apps have to be taken in consideration of the users. If there are telecommute users working remotely, BYOD should be able to offer cost reduction for the organization and ease complexities. BYOD and mobile application management lets data transfer to applications and control user data.
Googleâs platform for Android as open source makes entry to market easier. With no developers license and only a digital identity signed certificate required to develop an app. It was estimated that 850,000 apps are now available for Android. Google Play accounts for 40 billion application downloads.
Android developers face many different app stores for distribution options. The App Store and Google Play Store are the main stores today. There are also other proprietary platform in the market. Developers are also faced with business-specific app stores or white-label app stores. Developers have many third-party app stores available.
Managing Android private or multi-platform applications through third-party enterprise app stores is the process of streamlining. The Symantec App Center Enterprise Edition is an enterprise product for discovery unification used for executing private applications. A private application store lets enterprise organizations approve third-party apps. This allows for management and discovery of the Android devices.
The enterprise app discovery market still has challenges. App discovery for Android and enterprises have many distribution options. Security is a concern with organizations also seeking higher volume applications for P/O. The lack of volume in apps is still a concern. Rivals such as Microsoft may pose threat due to its reputation for an executive following. More than have of the United States population owns a smartphone device. According to Gartner, 102bn apps will be downloaded in 2013 (91 percent of them will be free) but they will still generate $26bn (£16.1bn), up 44.4 percent on 2012's $18bn. An enterprise app can range from just under five dollars to up to millions of dollars.
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