
Books Every Video Marketer Should Read

By Staff Reporter | Jun 04, 2020 12:07 AM EDT

Whether you're new to video marketing or you're a respected veteran, you never stop learning. For example, a few years ago you may have asked: "What is the best email marketing platform to enhance the effectiveness of the material on my website?" Today you may ask: "What is the best chatbot to enhance my email marketing platform?" The technologies you use to build and expand your online presence aren't the only things changing. Consumer behavior evolves as a result of the evolution of the tech people carry in their pockets. Ten years ago you could find all the customers you needed on Facebook. Not so much, now. 

The savvy video marketer reads blogs, follows influencers on Twitter, and attends conferences to stay on the cutting edge of the field. Because books tend to take awhile from conception to distribution, they are often overlooked and considered "behind the curve" by members of the marketing community. Seth Godin, whose books top this list, has stopped writing them because he thinks there are more effective ways for him to make money teaching people about marketing. However, you can get a lot of great information from books and you shouldn't dismiss them. Here's a list of books that every video marketer should read.

Everything Ever Written by Seth Godin

Let's start with the author of "Permission Marketing," "Purple Cow," "The Dip," "Unleashing the Ideavirus," and "All Marketers Are Liars." Mr. Godin teaches us, over and over again, to rethink our campaign goals. He encourages us to act like we're on the same side as our customers. Some of the information in his books is dated--some of it goes back 20 years. However, you'll be a better marketer for reading his books. Read some of them or read all of them. Add his blog to your daily reading, too.

The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film by Michael Ondaatje

Even if you're not the one physically shooting and editing video, this book will change your life. It's sort of an interview, but more than that it's a conversation (like the title says) between Mr. Ondaatje, a writer, and Mr. Murch, the man who edited most of Francis Ford Coppola's movies. They discuss storytelling and editing in ways that can edify just about anyone who is interested.

How to Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck: Advice to Make Any Amateur Look Like a Pro by Steve Stockman

Mr. Stockman's advice in this book will help you get a leg up, especially when you're first starting out. It has been said that, even if you were to skim a few chapters, you'd benefit. Imagine what an in-depth study could do. From the first chapter, you'll learn lessons that will help you both in the technical aspects of shooting video and in your overall marketing strategies. "Good video is a communication tool of unparalleled impact," Mr. Stockman writes. "Bad video gets turned off."

Ogilvy on Advertising by David Olgivy

You can't compile a list of must-reads for marketers without this classic. Much of the practical information in this book is dated; ads have changed dramatically since this book was written. However, you'll learn much from one of the best ad writers who ever lived.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

This book is a classic, too; the revised edition came out in late 2006. This is a book that is given to sales people, but if you're working in the marketing field, you should probably become a better salesperson. Dr. Cialdini's book rates among the top books recommended by CEOs and teaches how to become a skilled persuader.

How to Be Rich by J. Paul Getty

While we're on the subject of classics, you might as well pick up a copy of this book by one of the wealthiest businessmen who ever lived. Mr. Getty teaches you how to think like a titan of business, and that can come in handy--even when you're trying to improve the success of business through a technology as modern as video marketing.

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